<p>We are FOIS group companies with offices in Japan (Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka) and Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) and Myanmar (Yangon).<br>The parent company will celebrate Japanese FOIS Co., Ltd., its 25th anniversary this year.</p> <p><br>① IT development<br>② Web site construction<br>③ Overseas support Business<br>④ Japanese, Vietnamese School Business<br>⑤ Restaurant Business</p> <p><br>We has great hope, we will value our customers and all employees participate in the management and we will aim to number one company.</p> <p>(1)Happiness: Of all employees will pursue the Happiness of both physically and spiritually.<br>(2)Originality: In continuation of Originality and ingenuity, will realize best IT products and the best service.<br>(3)Positive: Positive thinking X Enthusiasm X IT technology, we will challenge tomorrow.<br>(4)External: We has an international and External perspective, become a company a vibrant and active.<br>(5)Satisfaction: We value the people, and will continue to pursue customer Satisfaction best.</p> <p>Success and business expansion of the Vietnam market.<br>Lets do our best to challenge with us !</p>