<p>MTI TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd<br>Mytrax Vietnam(New MTI Technology) <br>- HCMC:50 members<br>- Danang: will open branch soon.</p> <p>Our Website<br>http://mti-vietnam.vn/</p> <p>* Mytrax Vietnam growth faster. Company Established 3month, 30 members.<br>in 2017, member will be around 100 members.<br>* Mytrax Vietnam is one of members MTI Group that is famous for “Music.JP” and “LunaLuna” smartphone application product in Japan. You can see Product Commercial in TV in Japan<br>* Mytrax has an international working environment. We have many people from all over the world is working in Japan(French, India, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Bristish,..) <br>* Our working environment is very friendly with young employees who have high responsibility and always share knowledge to each other with the passion to learn new technologies</p> <p>* Agile/Web Development/Mobile Development<br>- Development Style is Agile Scrum Style. <br>- Communication Language is almost English. <br>- Programming Language <br>.NET/Java/iOS/Android/PHP <br>- Tools for development <br>Redmine/Trello/Gitlab/Jenkins/Slack/Chatwork/Skype</p>